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Weekday evenings

Coming Up Next Week In The Village

Next week: Paddy proposes to Mandy, Pollard plans to bring Amit down and has Ruby gone too far?

Paddy Proposes To Mandy

Paddy's worried he's going lose Mandy.

But Liam gives him an idea.

Later, dressed to the nines Paddy takes his opportunity.

Will Mandy finally get her fairy tale ending?

Pollard Plans To Bring Amit Down

Eric attempts to swindle some information out of Amit.

But he's having none of it.

Unbeknownst to Amit, Eric goes snooping around his house for evidence.

But he's stopped in his tracks when Jai and Amit enter.

Will Eric be able to explain his presence?

Has Ruby Gone Too Far?

Ruby and Nate argue outside the shop.

Leaving Nicky astonished.

Nicky believes the only way forward is to apologise.

But has Ruby gone to far this time?


Tom tracks Belle's every move and secretly keeps her under constant surveillance.

Liam tries to confront Aaron over lying about the gene test results.

And Tracy kisses Nate, but will he kiss back?

Catch all the latest episodes on ITVX!

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Weekday evenings