Interview: Don't Push Gary!With all his recent scheming behind the scenes, people are starting to think that Gary has gone soft.
Interview: Scheming GaryThe road to Underworld is paved with good intentions, we spoke to Mikey North about whether Gary's sins will ever go unpunished...
This article contains a videoInterview: Killer GaryWith two bodies now in the ground, we spoke to Mikey North about his thoughts on this darker direction for Gary.
This article contains a videoTrailer: Gary's In Danger!As Gary's life crumbles around him, we asked Mikey North how far will he go to keep his secret to protect the ones he loves?
Gary Windass: VillainThe identity of the factory saboteur and Coronation Street’s new villain has finally been revealed!
Gary WindassGary is one of the few people how knows that there's a problem with the Underworld roof but will his desperation for a job leave him responsible w...
Sarah and GarySarah and Gary kissed but the course of true love never did run smooth - especially for these two!