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Coronation Street

New Love For Anna?

There’s been a certain chemistry between Anna and Kev for a while - when did Anna first realise this?

I think Anna started to realise just before Christmas when she saw the way Kevin was with his family, especially with Sophie who’s been so upset over Maddie, I think he’s made her heart melt a little bit because he’s such a nice man.

Has she not really pursued it because of Sally?

She’s not actively pursued it because he is Sally’s ex and it’s incredibly complicated being part of a blended family. Even though Anna’s not frightened of Sally in the slightest, she just doesn’t want any aggro, she doesn’t need it, she’s had enough aggro in her life.

What’s her reaction when he asks her out on a date?

When Kevin finally asks her out on a date she puts aside all the complications with Sally and Tim because Kevin tells her to put herself first, so she does for a change. She’s witnessed him outside protecting Sophie regarding the graffiti on Maddie’s mural and she’s in awe of the way he deals with it. Then he basically walks in and snogs the face off her!

How does the date go?

They get in a black cab and go on a secret date because Anna doesn’t want anybody to know, they’re snogging again in the cab, there’s a lot of kissing going on but that happens in a new relationship.

Why is Anna so worried about Sally finding out about their relationship?

She’s worried about the hassle and she doesn’t want Faye to have any more hassle in her life, so Anna’s trying to play it safe and she doesn’t want Sally whipping everything into a frenzy. But secretly I suspect Anna’s quite pleased because it’s a bit of one upmanship on Sally, she knows it will annoy her.

Would she like a real relationship with Kevin?

I’m not sure Anna is ready for a relationship, I think she’s still very raw after Owen and I think a lot of it is that she’s lonely.

Can you tell us what happens when Sally lets herself into Anna’s house during her date with Kevin?

Faye’s staying at Tim and Sally’s while Anna has her secret rendezvous but then Sally makes an excuse up to go round with Faye to get a DVD. They end up letting themselves in and very nearly catching Sally and Kevin in the act. They’re in the middle of another big snogging sesh when Anna hears them on the stairs so she hides Kevin in the bedroom. Sally turns into Miss Marple, she knows somebody is in the flat but she hasn’t got a clue it’s Kevin which is quite funny, Anna loves the fact it’s Kevin hiding in the bedroom from Sally and not a stranger.

What did you think when you found out that Anna and Kevin were going to get together?

I was quite shocked that Anna was going to get with someone so quickly after Owen but I trust the writers and the producer completely so let's see what happens and hopefully the public will like it. There’s lots of drama and comedy to play within the blended family.

We know Phelan’s coming back - could this ruin her new found happiness?

Most definitely, Phelan wants to ruin everything for Anna, somewhere along the line he’s decided that his mission in life is to ruin Anna’s life. Maybe because after his wife found out what he did his life is in ruins. Anna begs Gary and Izzy not to tell Kevin that she was forced into having sex with Phelan. So the fact that she’s keeping this big secret from Kevin is eating her up and could mean another relationship.

Could Sally and Anna come to blows over this?

We’ve had a bit of a slapstick fight over the fence but I honestly think that Sally and Anna don’t hate each other. I think Anna has a bit of a soft spot for Sally because she’s so tragically trying to be something she’s not, and I think that Sally has a bit of soft spot for Anna because things don’t go well for her but she’s a good mum. However they do really rub each other up the wrong way, so maybe they will fight it out one day.

Can you give us any hints about what’s coming up for Anna and Kevin?

With Phelan coming back we don’t really know what’s going to happen, but I’m sure he’ll be trying to spoil things for Anna and the rest of the Windasses because he always does.

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