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5 incredibly silly ways to use your BGT Buzzer

The brand new BGT App is packed full of live polls, quizzes, galleries, clips of auditions and all the behind the scenes gossip from the show.

But did you know there are currently 7 Buzzers to play with on there, with more being added every week?! So good.

To celebrate this fact, we’ve created a little list of the 5 incredibly smart things you could do with your BGT Buzzer, from the everyday to the show itself!

1. Annoy your parents

Are your mum and dad always on at you to get off your phone? It’s sooo annoying, isn’t it? We’re guessing you’ve exhausted all the usual reactions – pretending you didn’t hear them, giving them evils, storming out of the room – so why not try silencing them with a BGT Buzzer!?

“Would you get off that…[BUZZ!]”

“How many times do I have to…[BUZZ!]”

“That’s it, go to your…[BUZZ!]”

You can thank us later.


2. Express your true feelings

Do you have a crush on someone but don’t know how to show it?

Don’t worry, we’re experts in solving social awkwardness.

Use your Golden Buzzer on your future bae, and they’ll be your sweetheart in no time. What’s more romantic than having someone show their affections with a delightful sparkly buzzer?

ANSWER: there isn’t one.

3. Wake up an loud snorer

Picture the scene. You’re lying in bed and the clock has just ticked 3am. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t get the shut eye you so desperately need - counting sheep has no effect!

Why? Cos Mr Snore beside you is keeping the whole house awake (including the dog!) with his incessant noise. Well, drastic times call for drastic action: end his loud droning with a swift Buzz!

It’ll cause carnage, and probably won’t help you sleep, but at least you’ll get a laugh out of it.

4. Doorbell deaf? No problem.

Nan not answering her doorbell again? Yeah, we’ve all been there. She’ll inevitably blame Jeremy Kyle for shouting too loudly on her telly.

Don’t worry, she’ll be at the door with a tray of biscuits in no time, if you dodge the doorbell and go straight to calling her with a blast of your BGT Buzzer.

5. Buzz along with the show

Now this is the best use of your BGT Buzzer, if we do say so ourselves. Pull up a seat, sit back, get Britain’s Got Talent on your telly and Buzz along to the show!

If a magician pulls a crocodile out of Nile Rodgers guitar case? GOLDEN BUZZER!

Or a man folds socks to the sound of seagulls squawking? RED BUZZER!

With our wide selection of Buzzers, you can live out the role of a Judge. If you haven't already, download the app from an Apple device here or an Android device here.

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