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Stalking - A State of Fear

National Stalking Helpline

The National Stalking Helpline provides support for victims and works towards reducing the risk of harassment, stalking, aggression, and violence by empowering people to take steps to avoid, mitigate or manage risks across all aspects of their life.

https://www.suzylamplugh.org/ Pages/Category/national- stalking-helpline

0808 802 0300

Paladin - National Stalking Advocacy Service

Paladin provides support to high risk victims of stalking. The provide and train ISACS (Independent Stalking Advocacy Caseworkers) across the country. Paladin also offers specialist support for 16-25 year olds.

https://www.paladinservice.co. uk/get-support

0203 866 4107


Action Against Stalking (Scotland)

AAS offers support for Stalking victims with Throughcare Support Practitioners providing confidential, specialised and free counselling.

https://www. actionagainststalking.org

0800 820 2427

support@ actionaagainststalking.org

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