
Grey seal 'Molar' makes a comeback off Dorset

Molar has reappeared off Portland after disappearing from Cornwall Credit: Sarah Hodgson

A grey seal who disappeared after being spotted in St Austell Bay in Cornwall two years ago has finally reappeared.

The female named 'Molar' was spotted at Portland Bill in Dorset this week. Distinctive markings on her neck make her easily identifiable.

She's the first seal to be photo ID'd in both Cornwall and Dorset. Recording seal movements enables conservationists to learn more about how far and frequently they travel and how best to protect them.

Two years ago, when I photographed Molar, I was sure she’d be recognised again, but then she disappeared for two years. Now I am delighted to see her again and for her to be our first Cornwall to Dorset seal link.

Molar proves that our photo-identification project really works and is a fabulous, non-invasive way of monitoring the lives and movements of our seals.

– Rob Wells, Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust (CSGRT)