Bristol Mayor's plan to cut £92m
Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees has presented the council's draft five year Corporate Strategy. It includes possible solutions to a budget gap of at least £92m from April 2017 – March 2022.
Some of the savings cut at the heart of the community - although the mayor says he hopes a lot of the services will be provided by trusts and voluntary agencies.
Mr Rees says the council is in this predicament because of the cuts in funding from central Government. Bristol has had to save over £170m in the past six years of government cuts.
Some of the services earmarked for savings:
£2.2m Handing over running of libraries to other organisations
£900k Halving subsidies to bus services
£632k Turning running of the city's parks over to trusts
£360k Removing funding for school crossing patrols
£290k Cut funding to Destination Bristol
£220k Handing over the Meals on Wheels service
£200k Increase charges for dementia care home provision
£200k Cuts to funding of MShed/Bristol Museum
Mr Rees told our reporter Robert Murphy that there was no doubt these cuts would hurt Bristol.
Today's announcement marks the launch of a 12 week consultation on the draft plan, starting a process which will culminate in a Full Council meeting on Tuesday 21 February 2017.