Rare bird returns to the West Country - after five thousand years

A dalamatian pelican is an unexpected visitor to Braunton Credit: ITV West Country

A Dalmatian pelican has been spotted in North Devon.

It's thought to be the first to visit Britain for thousands of years.

The pelican is "one of the most beautiful and charismatic breeding birds in Europe" according to the RSPB.

We filmed it at Braunton.

There are thought to be around 10,000-20,000 Dalmatian pelicans in the world with the largest colony at at Lake Mikri Prespa in Greece.

Remains have shown the birds used to breed in the Somerset area around 5,000 years ago.

This bird is thought to have been blown off course towards the UK. It was first seen in Poland and Germany before arriving at Lands End earlier this year.