Beavers released at Devon secret location

Two beavers have been released to join existing wild colony on River Otter. Credit: Nick Upton

England’s only breeding wild population of beavers has grown thanks to the release of two further animals at a secret location in East Devon.>One adult female and one adult male beaver have been released on private land close to the River Otter.

Female beaver taking a swim. Credit: Nick Upton

The release was sanctioned by Natural England and was made by Devon Wildlife Trust as part of the River Otter Beaver Trial – a five year project being led by the charity which is studying the impact of England’s only wild beaver population.>Devon Wildlife Trust’s Peter Burgess was overseeing the operation and explained why the release of more beavers was made:

The female beaver enters the water for a dip. Credit: Nick Upton

The Trust plans to monitor the progress of the beavers over the coming weeks. >Their new home has been equipped with cameras, allowing the charity to get vital insights into beaver behaviour.

The male beaver taking a peek at his new home prior to release. Credit: Nick Upton