
Curriculum overhaul for schools in Wales

A new curriculum will be available for schools in Wales in three years' time under Welsh Government plans.

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  1. Tom Sheldrick

Education Minister confirms curriculum overhaul

The Education Minister has confirmed that Wales will press ahead with plans to overhaul the school curriculum here.

Proposals include making digital skills a priority, giving teachers more freedom, and making smoother transitions between subjects and year groups.

Huw Lewis told Assembly Members this afternoon he will accept the recommendations from Prof Graham Donaldson's report in full.

Education Minister Huw Lewis has not put a timescale on implementing curriculum changes.

We need a curriculum which is ambitious, engaging and fit for the challenges of the twenty first century.

The national curriculum of 1988 has served an important purpose, but we can no longer address the weaknesses of the current curriculum through a 'patch and mend' approach.

– Huw Lewis, Education Minister

He announced a search for pioneer schools who will help shape the new curriculum, and an Independent Advisory Group that will oversee progress.

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