Unisex school toilets

Parents at Morriston Comprehensive School in Swansea are advising their children not to use the toilets after they were changed to unisex.

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Parents' concern over unisex school toilets

Parents are concerned over the new unisex toilets at the school. Credit: ITV News / Tom Sheldrick

Parents at Morriston Comprehensive School in Swansea are advising their children not to use the toilets after they were changed to unisex.

The toilets have separate cubicles for boys and girls and the doors reach from floor to ceiling.

The only shared area are the wash basins.

Both the school and Swansea Council say that the new toilets have reduced incidents of bullying and loitering.

The only shared area are the wash basins. Credit: ITV News / Tom Sheldrick
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