
Deal reached on Ardoyne parade impasse

A deal has been struck between nationalist residents' group CARA and the Orange Order over a disputed parade route in the Ardoyne area.

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GARC plan protests against Ardoyne parade

GARC have said they will protest the parade. Credit: Presseye

The Greater Ardoyne Residents Collective have confirmed they will protest against an Orange Order parade in Ardoyne on Saturday.

The parade in question is set to end a three year deadlock and comes after protracted negotiations.

GARC, the republican residents’ group, said they will apply for a march and rally on Friday evening and a protest on the day of the parade, Saturday 1 October.

The deal on the parade was reached with the consent of Crumlin Ardoyne Residents Collective (CARA) and the Ligoniel Orange Lodges.

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