
  1. National

Brussels bombing suspect let go as new 'man in hat' CCTV footage released

Belgian police have released a man that they had initially charged with "participation in a terrorist group" and "terrorist killings" in connection with the Brussels attacks on the same day that they revealed new CCTV footage of another suspect.

Faycal C, who was the only person charged in connection with last week's attacks, was released due to "lack of evidence", prosecutors said.

It comes as US Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump warned Britain and Europe are "not safe" following the recent terror attacks.

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Brussels 'march against fear' cancelled amid security concerns

A solidarity march through the streets of Brussels in honour of those killed in the city's terror attacks this week has been cancelled amid continued heightened security concerns.

Belgium's Interior minister Jan Jambon asked for the demonstration to be delayed Credit: RTV

Organisers cancelled the event following a public plea from Belgium's Interior minister Jan Jambon asking for the demonstration to be postponed while ongoing police investigations continued.

Jambon said: "We are still all over the country in threat level three and there are enquiries, important enquiries, going on.

"For these enquiries we need a lot of police capacity all over the country and it's our main priority to let the police in the best circumstances possible do these enquiries - that's the reason why we invite the citizens tomorrow not to demonstrate."

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