
  1. National

Nats warned of potential computer glitch 'months ago'

National Air Traffic Services bosses were warned that plans to deal with any technical failures lacked "detail and clarity," four months before Friday's computer glitch caused widespread disruption to UK airports, according to the Independent on Sunday.

National Air Traffic Services (Nats) said their system was back to full operational capacity following the failure on Friday, but passengers were warned to check their flights in advance as the backlog clears.

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Nats: Air traffic glitch will not cause Christmas disruption

National Air Traffic Services (Nats) has assured passengers that there will be no further flight disruptions in the run up to Christmas.

A statement from Richard Deakin, Chief executive of Nats, read: "Once the backlog in the network has been caught up over this weekend, this issue will not cause further disruption over the holiday season."

He added: "Safety was not compromised at any time but we do sincerely apologise for the delays and inconvenience caused to passengers and our airport and airline customers.”

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