
  1. National

Daily Aspirin 'can significantly reduce risk of cancer'

People who take a daily dose of Aspirin could significantly reduce their risk of developing major cancers, a new study suggests.

Research found that if everyone in the UK aged 50 to 64 took aspirin for a decade an estimated 130,357 cancer deaths could be avoided over 20 years.

But medical professionals have warned that no-one should take the drug regularly without speaking to their GP first, because of the possible side effects.

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Daily aspirin 'can significantly reduce risk of cancer'

People who take a daily dose of aspirin could significantly reduce their risk of developing major cancers, a new study suggests.

Aspirin could help reduce the risk of cancer, a new study suggests. Credit: PA Wire

Some 130,357 deaths could be avoided over a 20-year period if everyone in the UK aged 50 to 64 took aspirin for 10 years, research published in the journal Annals of Oncology suggested.

Scientists said the benefits of the drug outweighed the risks, despite population-wide aspirin use predicted to cause just under 18,000 deaths over 20 years due to the risk of stomach bleeds.

Medical professionals have warned that no-one should take the drug every day without speaking to their GP first, because of the possible side effects.

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