
Anti-abortion group react to woman's abortion video

The UK anti-abortion group LIFE have responded to a video posted on YouTube showing a US woman filmed having an abortion.

The three minute footage of the procedure at a New Jersey clinic, where Emily Letts works, was carried out to show women that “there is such a thing as a positive abortion story."

A spokesperson from the LIFE charity, who state their opposition to abortion on their website, told ITV News:

Ms Letts sets out to prove that having an abortion is a positive experience. LIFE has met many women who do not view their abortion as positive experiences but actually as experiences which result in guilt, regret, anxiety and depression.

Abortion is a serious procedure which ends the life of an unborn child. It should never be taken lightly.

If the video focused on the actual abortion process then the procedure would have shocked viewers.

Instead of normalising, we should be encouraging women to look more closely at abortion and what it involves - including the long term effects.

– LIFE Charity