
  1. National

Child protection record hailed

A record number of children have been protected from sexual abusers in the past year, according to new figures. The UK's leading child protection agency safeguarded 790 children in 2012/13, an increase of 85% on the previous year.

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Ceop: Safeguarding is about spotting individual children

Chief Executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) Peter Davies has explained to Daybreak just how the organisation managed to safeguard so many children from child abuse over the past year.

He said: "One of the things we do at the centre is we identify the children who are at risk, often that's through online activity and we get in touch with police forces and children's services in the local area, and we communicate that to them."

"They do a risk assessment and they put steps in place to reduce the risk to the child."

He added: "Safeguarding is about spotting individual children at risk and making them safe."

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