
Canadian video school claims responsibility for eagle hoax video

A Canadian animation school has admitted to staging a video which received huge amounts of views today.

Millions of people worldwide were fooled by a YouTube clip which appeared to show a Golden Eagle almost snatching a baby from a park.

A statement said:

The "Golden Eagle Snatches Kid" video, uploaded to YouTube on the evening of December 18, was made by Normand Archambault, Looc Mireault, Antoine Seigle and Filix Marquis-Poulin, students at Centre NAD, in the production simulation workshop class of the Bachelors degree in 3D Animation and Digital Design.

The video shows a royal eagle snatching a young kid while he plays under the watch of his dad.

The eagle then drops the kid a few feet away.

Both the eagle and the kid were created in 3D animation and integrated in to the film afterwards.

– Centre NAD, Montreal