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UK to opt out of EU police plans

The Home Secretary has tell MPs that the Government intends to opt out of a number of key EU police and justice measures. Theresa May will use the right to withdraw from 130 cross-border agreements including the European arrest warrant.

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Government to opt-out of EU justice pacts

Theresa May said the Government will aim to vote on the measures.

The Home Secretary Theresa May announced that the Government does intend to opt-out of more than 130 European Police and Criminal Justice measures.

"The Government's current thinking is that we will opt out of all pre-Lisbon Police and Criminal Justice measures and then negotiate with the member states and the Commission those individual measures that it is our national interests to rejoin."

"It is the national interest that the Government has taken this decision."

The move will be put to a vote in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

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