Free car parking as shoppers return to Salisbury

Traders welcome free parking gesture to help boost business

Almost three weeks have passed since a nerve agent was used in an attack on a former Russian spy who lives in Salisbury.

Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, who was on holiday visiting him from her home in Russia, remain in a serious condition in hospital.

While some parts of Salisbury remain cordoned off, yesterday the bench in the city centre where the Skripals were found in a state of collapse was removed for forensic testing.

Following a drop in footfall to the city's shopping districts, over the past week the area's retailers have been reminding the public that they are open for business. The business community, and some residents, put pressure on their local authority to suspend parking charges. As a result, today was the first day of free car parking at the city centres car parks to encourage shoppers to return to the city. Richard Slee reports.

The video features Councillor John Thomson Deputy Leader, Wiltshire County Council, speaking at a public meeting earlier this month; and Colin Hinton, a butcher.