Self harm incidents at Guernsey's prison double

Figures show a rise in self harm incidents at Guernsey's prison, as well as increase in the number of people considered at risk.

The number of cases at Les Nicolles doubled from seven to 14, from 2015 to 2016.

One of those incidents was considered life-threatening.

Sixty one inmates were considered to be at risk of self harming in 2016, compared to 38 in 2015.

The prison's Governor says that is because of greater awareness from staff, but also [because the problem is a "growing social issue"](http://Prison Governor: Self harm is on the rise everywhere).

Prisoners stay in cells just eight by four feet in size

Claire Teed, from Guernsey Samaritans, told ITV News today that prison "might not be the place" for people with mental health issues.

But, a Listeners scheme has been put in place so inmates have someone to talk to if they're feeling distressed.