Six things you can do to help animals during cold weather
The GSPCA has provided some top tips on how to look after your animals as the cold weather sets in.
Beware of frozen ponds
Frozen ponds can trap toxic gases which could harm fish and frogs hibernating at the bottom. Place a saucepan of hot water on the surface to melt a hole.
Feed the birds
Birds might find it hard to find food in cold weather, so put some tit bits from the kitchen out or get a bird feeder.
Help the hedgehogs
Hedgehogs should be hibernating now, but have been known to be seen in Guernsey at this time. So heap up some leaves and brushwood in the garden so they have somewhere warm to go.
Keep them warm
You need to take extra care of outdoor pets in the winter. Put extra bedding in the homes of pets like guinea pigs and rabbits. You could move them into a garage or shed too.
Keep up routine
You might not want to take your dog out for a walk when it's freezing cold outside...but they need it! The exercise is good and will keep them healthy and happy (but remember to wear reflective clothes).
Horses need shelter
Horses and ponies who live outside should always have access to shelter. They also need enough water (check it hasn't frozen), extra food and a rug on the floor helps too.