Children's Services do not 'fully understand' needs of vulnerable Jersey youngsters
A report that criticises how vulnerable children in Jersey are looked after by the authorities has been made public.
The study by former Ofsted inspector, Mary Varley, took place last summer, but the report has only recently been put into the public domain.
It found professionals did not fully understand the needs of the children they had a duty to protect.
Earlier this year, at the inquiry into historical child abuse in Jersey, the Varley report was described as "a devastating assessment" of Children's Services in the island.
Among the criticisms listed in the report are;
Children’s needs and experiences were still not sufficiently understood or at the heart of practice.
Understanding of the impact of differences relating to diversity and equality was limited.
The lack of co-ordinated targeted multi-agency early help continues to result in inappropriate referrals to MASH.
Managers were under pressure to reach decisions as to the outcome of referrals in order to meet timescales.
Despite challenging contexts and volume of work, managers did not consistently ensure that all work is monitored and reviewed.