
ITV Exclusive: Whistleblower 'sacked for speaking out about children's care home abuse'

A whistleblower who claims she was sacked for speaking out about abuse at a children's care home in Nottingham says trying to get anyone to act on her concerns was like 'banging her head against a brick wall."

In an exclusive ITV news interview, Joni Cameron Blair who worked as a children's home inspector, says that when she reported youngsters being abused and neglected the 1990s, her concerns were ignored by council bosses and senior social services staff.

Ms Cameron Blair has accused Nottingham city council of failing in its duty to look after the children in its care and said she wanted to make her claims public to give abuse victims a voice.

Children's homes should be a place of safety. Abuse of any kind is a dreadful and damaging failure of duty and trust which we take extremely seriously. Along with police, we're committed to bringing perpetrators to justice and ensuring professional standards of care are upheld."

– Nottingham City Council

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