
Double decker bus gets stuck under bridge in Leicestershire

The bridge on King Street, Sileby Credit: Anneka Collier

The double decker bus got wedged beneath the railway bridge on King Street in Sileby at around 9:00 this morning, crushing the whole of the top deck.

The driver was the only person on board.

The driver was the only person on board Credit: Anneka Collier

Network Rail engineers where able to say the bridge was safe within 20 minutes but trains were disrupted during this time.

"Superficial damage" will be dealt with during routine maintenance work later in the year.

Police recovered the bus just before 10:45 Credit: Anneka Collier

Police recovered the bus just before 10:45. They are investigating the cause of the incident and can't say whether they are speaking to the driver.

The road was closed for sometime while the clear-up operation took place and reopened just after 12:00.

The scene of the incident in Sileby Credit: Anneka Collier

It was not possible to get a comment from Ausden Clark, the bus company.