Co-op's Derbyshire depot to donate food to the needy
The Co-operative chain of food stores has announced plans to expand its support of a charity which helps feed those in need by moving into the Derbyshire area.
By early next year, more of the Co-op's depots will work with FareShare - including its regional distribution centre in Castlewood.
The project, which sees food which is not sold sent on to homeless hostels, lunch clubs, young peoples' projects and refugee centres, already helps to feed 50,000 people a day.
Chief executive for retail at the Co-op, Steve Murrells, welcomed the move.
We are delighted to support FareShare and this year we have sent them more than 113 tonnes of food, the equivalent of 269,000 meals, to help some of the most disadvantaged people across the country.
As a community retailer, the Co-operative shares FareShare's commitment to tackling food poverty and food waste.