
King Richard III remains to be buried in Leicester

The High Court has ruled that the University of Leicester does have the rights to bury King Richard III's remain in the city's cathedral.

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University list reasons for Leicester Richard III reburial

The University of Leicester has issued the following list of reasons why it believes King Richard III should be reinterred at Leicester Cathedral.

  • The plan for reinterment in Leicester Cathedral was clearly stated and unambiguous at the start of the project and announced in a statement on Friday 24 August 2012. This was before the dig started.
  • Reinterment on the nearest consecrated ground is in keeping with good archaeological practice. Richard has lain in the shadow of St Martin’s Cathedral, Leicester, for over 500 years.
  • The landowner (Leicester City Council) gave permission for the excavation of the Greyfriars site on this basis. Had the plan been to reinter Richard other than in Leicester, permission would not have been granted for the search.

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