Ambulance service fined £900 a day for using a bus lane when rushing patients to hospital

Library picture of an ambulance Credit: BPM Media

Ambulance bosses in the West Midlands have revealed they are receiving up to £900 a day in penalty charges for using a bus lane while rushing patients to hospital.

The service says that it is racking up charges for using the lane near Heartlands hospital in Birmingham, often while it is dealing with emergency patients including a 16-year-old girl with breathing difficulties.

Its vehicles are getting up to 15 fines of the £60 every day for using the lane on the B4128 Bordesley Green, near Heartlands Hospital.

It has hit out at the council's charges to the service as "morally" wrong and a waste of public money.

Credit: BPM

The ambulance service claims it was not consulted over the introduction of bus lane cameras.

The fines are reduced to £30 if they are paid within a fortnight and they are being cancelled when blue lights are flashing, but the service says it is still costing them a significant amount.

Birmingham City Council, which issues the penalty charges, who say they were aware of “issues” and are working with the ambulance service to address them.