Medical student struck off after using threat from film 'Taken'

Liam Neeson at the premiere of Taken 3 Credit: Erik Pendzich / Demotix/Demotix/Press Association Images

A medical student has been banned from being able to practice medicine after he posted a quote and photo from the film Taken saying "I will look for you, I will find you. And I will kill you".

Ravindu Thilakawardhana was studying at Leicester University in October 2013 when he reacted furiously after another student put some explicit photos of a friend of his online.

The student had been sent the images by mistake and Thilakawardhana responded by posting Liam Neeson's image and the actor's famous words on his Facebook page.

In the film Liam Neeson says the words to threaten an Albanian thug after his daughter is taken.

But Thilakawardhana followed it up with an additional expletive message and warned "I don't want to see you on a night out in Leicester, or in the UK".

The student then reported what happened to the university's medical school and he was given a reprimand. And, in April last year, a university disciplinary panel decided he was "unfit to practice medicine" and kicked him off the course.

Thilakawardhana insisted he had been provoked but a Judge upheld the university's decision.