12/12/12 in Midlands
At 12:12pm on the 12/12/12 - here's 12 facts about the number 12:
There are 12 months in a year.
There are 12 inches in a foot.
A 'dozen' is a quantity that means 12.
In astrology, there are 12 signs in the Zodiac.
Jesus had 12 disciples.
In the Bible, Jacob had 12 sons.
12 in Roman Numerals in XII.
There are usually 12 pairs of ribs in the human body.
In English, 12 is the largest number that has just one syllable.
There are 12 stars on the Flag of Europe.
You can legally watch a 12 certificate film when you reach the age of 12.
On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 12 Drummers Drumming.
Facts courtesy of thefactsite.com
Across Nottingham, 16 couples will tie the knot today on a once-in-a-lifetime date - 12/12/12.
The next similar date will be in the next century.