Prince Charles laughs at gaffer tape gaffe

A momentary gaffe with sealing a box gave the Prince something to laugh about Credit: ITV

HRH The Prince of Wales was in Telford today to visit one of his charities 'In Kind Direct'.

The charity, founded by the Prince in 1996, helps other charities that are struggling financially by redistributing donated surplus goods.

The Prince of Wales visited the warehouse where charity workers package the goods before they are delivered to other charities in need of further funding.

While he was being given a tour of he was invited to pack a box and seal it using a tape dispenser in preparation for delivery.

The Prince and the charity workers burst into laughter as the task proved unexpectedly difficult due to a defiant tape dispenser.

The Prince of Wales quipped "If you can't do it, I certainly can't."

As the gun finally began to work he finished sealing the box by adding the sound effects "weeeee" much to the amusement of all of the charity workers.

'In Kind Direct' takes orders from almost 6,000 charity and community organisations, including Sunfield in Stourbridge, a residential special school that helps those with learning difficulties.

Sunfield in Stourbridge, a residential special school that helps those with learning difficulties. Credit: ITV Central