
School wants solar panels

A Yorkshire high school is among more than 30 schools across the UK which have started a fundraising drive to purchase solar panels.

The schools are hoping to raise a combined total of £500,000 to invest in the technology.

The solar panels will then be installed on the roof of each school, including York High School, and used to generate electricity for the building, while also being used as part of lessons.

Solar panels are an incredible investment and a great way to teach pupils about energy and climate change, but with budgets squeezed, many schools struggle to afford the up-front investment.

Solar Schools is a chance for pupils, parents, local businesses, former students and local residents to do something good for their school and their community.

– Maddy Carroll, Solar Schools campaign manager

Each school will set its own fundraising target for its own solar roof, and Solar Schools will support more traditional fundraising activities with an online presence.

At the heart of Solar Schools is an innovative crowd-funding website where people can sponsor and personalise their very own section of a virtual solar roof. The site lets people really connect to the project. Plus it's a great feeling to help a renewable energy project get off the ground and to be able to attach your name to that.

– Heidi Proven, 10:10's campaigns director,