Children front Yorkshire anti-smoking campaign
Children are fronting a new year campaign pleading with smokers in Yorkshire to give up the habit.
The latest hard hitting campaign from Public Health England comes as more and more tobacco is now being sold in drab green packs, with bigger health warnings, designed to make smoking less appealing to children and young people.
The first standard packs in the country were spotted in Leeds in August, by May 2017 standard packs will be mandatory.
As part of the campaign PHE has released a new emotive short film featuring children's TV doctor Dr Ranj working with primary school children, to create their own heartfelt messages about the dangers of smoking.
The latest figures reveal 45 people die every day of cardiovascular disease (CVD) caused by smoking.
Smoking increases the risk of clogged arteries by 24% and doubles the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Smoking prevelance in Yorkshire and the Humber is currently at an all time low of 18.6%, but that is still significantly higher than the England average.
CVD includes all diseases of the heart and circulation - including heart attacks and strokes.
The disease is one of the main causes of death and disability in the country and quitting has been identified as the single best thing a smoker can do to protect their heart.
CVD is usually associated with the build up of fatty deposits clogging up the arteries, known as atherosclerosis, that can block the flow of blood to vital organs and eventually cause fatal heart attacks and strokes.