
Coastal defence scheme branded a success

New Coastal defences Credit: Tendring District Council

A multi-million pound coastal defence scheme in Essex is proving effective against the winter storms.

Clacton's new £36million coastal protection has reduced the action of the waves and their the effect on defences. It's the first winter since the new defences were implemented.

Tendring District Council says the 23 new fish tail groynes from Clacton Pier to Holland Haven have reduced the action of the waves and therefore the effect on defences.

“People will have noticed some cliffing on the beach in the past week or so which is a natural response of the dredged material used within the scheme.

This is a result of the recent weather conditions moving and sorting the material around the bays. It is an expected movement of the material and it is considered that as the conditions change the material will then redistribute again.”

– Nick Turner, TDC’s Cabinet Member for Coastal Protection and Seafronts