Baby born prematurely in Dominican Republic returns home

Evie Compton Credit: ITV Anglia

A baby who was born 12 weeks early in the Dominican Republic has returned home with her parents to Ipswich.

Little Evie Compton weighed just 2lbs 10oz when she was born in October and was in critical care.

Her parents Dan and Sharon were on holiday in the Dominican Republic when Sharon went into labour. Evie was born 12 weeks early weighing just 2lbs 10oz.

More drama unfolded when initially the family thought the insurance company wasn't going to pay for Evie's care and the costs of having to stay in the Caribbean. The family paid thousands from their savings upfront for the care.

Evie at home with her mum and dad Credit: ITV Anglia

They set up a crowd funding site raising more than £70,000.

Thankfully Evie overcame the odds and grew in strength. And the insurance company did pay out.Now the money will be used to help other premature babies in the Dominican Republic and here in Suffolk.

Evie's grandma Suzanne was overwhelmed to meet her.

Now they're home safely and Evie is getting stronger, the family say they have all they want and her dramatic first chapter will provide tales for many years to come.