Parents turn 'paedophile hunters' after their own daughter is targeted

Neil and Katie Ivall are self-styled 'paedophile hunters'. Credit: ITV News Anglia

Two self-styled 'paedophile hunters' from Bedfordshire who've already played a part in sending two men to jail say that they will continue to try and protect children.

Neil and Katie Ivall from Dunstable started doing stings on potential paedophiles after their daughter was targeted online.

They filmed themselves confronting the men, and then handed the videos to the authorities.

One of those men was 54-year-old Leslie Turner from Luton who is now in prison for arranging to meet what he thought was an under-age girl, after grooming her online.

Neil and Katie pose as young girls online. Credit: ITV News Anglia

In fact he was messaging Mr and Mrs Ivall.

Posing as a 14-year-old, they set up to meet Turner. When he arrived they called the police.

The couple's campaign to catch paedophiles began when their daughter became a target.

She was just 11 when one man sent her over 5,500 messages on social media.

Neil and Katie's daughter was sent messages from several men on social media. Credit: ITV News Anglia

They now set up fake profiles of girls showing their age and wait for men to get in contact.

Sometimes they're invited to secret groups that only children, or those pretending to be, can see.

They say social media companies should be shutting such pages down, and that parents must check on their kids.

Bedfordshire Police say people shouldn't take the law into their own hands, but Neil and Katie want to carry on. Credit: ITV News Anglia

Two men they've confronted are now in prison, and more are facing charges.

But Bedfordshire Police say people shouldn't take the law into their own hands.

A spokesperson told ITV News Anglia: "There are strict laws in this country to ensure a fair legal system and anyone who is not used to working within those laws could put cases in jeopardy and run the risk of genuine offenders not being brought to justice."

There are even greater risks. Two years ago a father from Northamptonshire killed himself after being confronted by a self-styled 'paedophile hunter'.

Mr and Mrs Ivall say that they're not worried.

Their severe approach will sit uneasily with some. Others may say it's something to applaud.

Click below to watch a report from ITV News Anglia's Olivia Kinsley