Homeless numbers on the rise in Ipswich

Rough sleepers have found shelter by the former Odeon building in Ipswich Credit: ITV News Anglia

The number of people sleeping rough on the streets of Ipswich has increased in recent months.

Local campaign groups are calling for a collective effort to try and combat the problem. They say things need to change before the cold winter nights set in.

Many hide away in sheds, woods and areas away from the town centre. It is anticipated that at least 12 people are sleeping rough every night in Ipswich.

Government figures for the East of England show that in 2013/2014 5,742 households were accepted as homeless by their local council, a 3% rise on last year. There was also a 4% rise in the number of people who applied to the council as homeless, with 9,688 households asking for help.

The winter night shelter in Ipswich offers people a bed, under a dry roof and warm food through December to March.

The Ipswich winter night shelter was first set up in 2011 Credit: ITV News Anglia

The shelter is also preparing to open two new houses, to meet the demand for beds. The houses will be "move-on" homes for people who are struggling with homelessness.

In the shorter term, campaigners say what's needed are more volunteers, more cash and more commitment. But the longer term is somewhat more difficult to predict, and without this concerted effort, they say the situation will only get worse.