Prince Harry to attend Army v Navy match with Invictus competitors

Prince Harry will attend the rugby on Saturday Credit: AP

Prince Harry will join rugby fans at Twickenham Stadium to cheer on the Army as they take on their Royal Navy rivals on Saturday.

Harry, patron of the Invictus Games Foundation - the official charity for this year's game, will meet both teams before taking his seat for the match and is expected to take part in a short half-time interview alongside an Invictus Games competitor.

At the end of the match Harry will also present the Babcock Trophy to the winning team.

The match is the final and deciding fixture in the Inter Services rugby competition.

Competitors from the 2014 and 2016 Invictus Games - the paralympic-style competition for wounded or sick service personnel and veterans - and their friends and families have been invited to watch the match in recognition of the contribution this close support network plays.