Could this be the world's first cheese advent calendar?

Annem shows off her brie-lliant calendar Credit: Annem Hobson

Chocolate advent calendars move aside - one blogger claims she has created the world's first cheese-filled calendar.

The inventor of this rather decadent calendar is food blogger Annem Hobson, who says nearly 7,000 people have registered their interest.

The product is currently a prototype, but is aiming to be rolled out in time for next Christmas.

Cheese-lover Annem said: "I was searching everywhere for cheese calendars last year, but to my complete surprise there were none. I couldn't even find any marketing gimmicks."

Annem says she's been inundated with offers from cheese companies. Credit: Annem Hobson

However, the real challenge seems to lie in the packaging.

To achieve the traditional advent calendar it must hang on a wall, but how will the central heating affect certain smelly cheeses?

Annem says she's planning to either put the calendar in the fridge or alternatively use waxed cheeses which can be kept at room temperature.

Not everyone will be able to stomach a strong Stilton before heading out to work, but for those who can, you can register your interest here.