Taiwan animation shows UK election 'virtual race'

An animation featuring a baby Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband and David Cameron as marathon runners has lightened the UK election coverage for residents in Taiwan.

The video, made for animated news site TomoNews, features a literal race towards Number 10 outside the Houses of Parliament with cartoon figures of Cameron and Miliband dressed in running gear.

Cameron is seen pushing a pram carrying a baby Nick Clegg towards a finish line with the words Majority written across it.

But hooking them before they get to the line is Nicola Sturgeon and Nigel Farage.

Nigel Farage is seen flying towards the White Cliffs of Dover firing at ships Credit: TomoNews

Farage is seen flying over the white cliffs of Dover, shooting at boats while Sturgeon appears on the back of a unicorn ridden by William 'Braveheart' Wallace.

Nicola Sturgeon appears on the back of a unicorn Credit: TomoNews

As the video goes on to discuss the possibility of a hung parliament, Miliband can be seen swiping through possible coalition partners on Tinder sat under his controversial stone tablet, while Cameron can be seen offering a bunch of flowers to Clegg.

Ed Miliband with his controversial stone tablet Credit: TomoNews

The video also features the Queen with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in the background holding their new baby daughter.

Watch the full video below: