Christmas Jumper Day: The best efforts from around the internet

Samantha Cameron, wife of the Prime Minister David Cameron, stands with children for the Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day. Credit: PA

Samantha Cameron donned festive knitwear today as schoolchildren from across the country exchanged Christmas jumpers in 10 Downing Street.

The Prime Minister's wife joined more than 40 youngsters as they swapped the winter woollies they had designed for Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day.

Samantha Cameron hosts a Christmas Jumper Jumble at 10 Downing Street. Credit: PA

Save the Children is encouraging people to wear Christmas jumpers today and donate £2 to help vulnerable youngsters in the UK and abroad.

On Friday morning, hashtags relating to Christmas Jumper Day were the top three trending topics on Twitter in Britain.

Keen Instagram users saw a stream of selfies from their friends and celebrities getting in on the craze.

And Sainsbury's said they were enjoying their best ever Christmas jumper sales figures.

Conservative MP Richard Graham tweeted a picture of his contribution:

And fans of the ITV News Facebook page were quick to show off their attempts:

Amanda Boulter posted these jumpers. Credit: Amanda Boulter
Julie Patterson shared these.
Elan Davies, aged 2.
Paige Jones shared these students in their Christmas gear.
Kelly Tranmer shared this pair.

To donate #2 to Save the Children text JUMPER to 70050.