Bloodhound supersonic car engine test fired

Engineers and soldiers with the Cosworth engine and rocket from Bloodhound SSC inside a hardened shelter at RAF St Mawgan, Newquay, where the engine is on test. Credit: ITV News

The mission to produce the world's first 1,000 mph car revved forward today as the engine was fired up for the first time.

Engineers behind the £10 million Bloodhound supersonic car project said they were happy with the short test, which took place at Newquay airport in Corwall.

Although the car did not move, the high-powered engine roared for almost 20 seconds. The next step is to analyse the data to see whether it is safe to install the engine into a vehicle.

28-year-old rocket engineer Daniel Jubb said he was relieved and happy with the engine test went well.

Engineers check data from the Bloodhound SCC engine Credit: ITV News

Mr Jubb described how the run-up to the testing had caused him many sleepness nights, but he was excited the next stage of the project was underway. He said:

The safety testing in an engine of this size is crucial Credit: Press Association

See the video of the rocket test on the ITV West website