Acrobatic 'Bungee Dance' performed beneath bridge

. Credit: Eye R8 Productions Ltd of Surprises

London's Millennium Bridge may not be the most obvious of settings to perform a dance routine. But for one group of performers - which loves to do things a bit differently - it provided the perfect setting.

Attached to pieces of elastic the STREB Extreme Action Company launched itself from the bridge to perform its latest work 'Waterfall'.

. Credit: Eye R8 Productions Ltd of Surprises

They were attached by bungees precisely measured to just be long enough to allow them to kiss the water at the bottom of their fall.


It all went according to plan. Watch the video for yourself below.

Later, the dancers performed the Human Foundation at Trafalgar Square.

Dancers performing Human Fountain at Trafalgar Square Credit: Julian Andrews/PA Wire
. Credit: Julian Andrews/PA Wire